Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Ply mouth, Install Compiz fusion for Ubuntu

Ply mouth spalsh screen is the initial splash screen we see on bootup. Different Plymouth themes can be found by searching for plymouth-theme in a Package Manager. If you like to change it first install it. Then follw the below steps:

sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u

Then after this select the theme which ever you want to use.Plymouth does not reliably work with nVidia drivers and during bootup a blank screen may result for several seconds.
Metacity is the default desktop compositing manager in Gnome. It is lightweight, streamlined and does not have many configurable options, but has multiple themes available at Gnome Look. 

Compiz Cube
Compiz Fusion
Compiz Fusion is available as a separate Windows Manager, to allow advanced desktop effects such as the rotating cube desktop. So many users want to install it into their Ubuntu as it runs faster there. To install it use the below commands in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-common

In order to change the Compiz fusion as the window manager do this:
Select Compiz Configuration:
Menu -> System -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager

You will need to log out and then log in back to let the effects change.
Fusion Icon
Fusion icon is a tray icon that will allow you to switch between the window manager, decorators e.t.c. This also gives you quick access to Compiz fusion settings manager. To install it use the follwing commands:

sudo apt-get install fusion-icon

To use the Compiz cube you will have to use four desktop environments. If you use only two desktop environments tehn you will get only a plate but not a cube. But you will still be able to rotate the plate. Set the CompizConfig Settings Manager to enable the "Desktop Cube" and "Rotate Cube" and "Viewport Switcher" options. Click on the icon for each to customize settings. Hold down the Ctrl+Alt+Left mouse button and drag the mouse (or touchpad) the direction you want to rotate the cube.
When running Compiz fusion as the Windows Manager, you must change the default number of desktops from within CompizConfig Settings Manger. To set the 4 desktop environments do the follwing:

CompizConfig Settings Manager -> General -> General Options -> Desktop Size -> Horizontal Virtual Size -> 4

Now the Cube will be assigned to one of the desktops and if you rotate it you can change to another desktop environment or check what is happening in that particular desktop environment. You can change the themes of the Compiz cube by installing the Emerald theme engine to Compiz.The Emerald Theme Manager for Compiz Fusion can be installed in this way through the terminal:

sudo apt-get install emerald

gDesklets are similar to Windows widgets and gadgets and provides the information such as weather, system resources, and news primarily for the Gnome desktop. To install it type:
sudo apt-get install gdesklets

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